Patient Experience

Patient Experience

About Us

Connecting research and innovation ideas and people

Welcome to SCOPe HSCP Voice, a new format intended to connect Health Care Professionals from within and outside our SCOPe* HSCP community in St James’s Hospital.

As a research hospital, we recognise our responsibility to contribute to new thinking and approaches as we collectively face the challenges ahead. Our hope is that SCOPe HSCP Voice will be an inclusive platform, enabling HSCP and multi-disciplinary colleagues to share ideas, experiences and best practice in pursuit of better outcomes.

  • AIMs:

    • Value different perspectives, hearing from health care professionals in practice, academia and management
    • Optimise visibility about the impact and value of HSCP services
    • Influence scale up and spread of innovative, evidence-based services
    • Create opportunity to share knowledge, promote collective dialogue and assist in developing networks of practice
    • Engage HSCP at all levels in research and innovation

    *The SCOPe HSCP Directorate in St James’s Hospital represents a subset of five disciplines including Speech and Language Therapy, Social Work, Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy.