Patient Experience

Patient Experience

Competency Based Interviews - FAQ Sheet – Applicants

  • A competency is defined as the underlying knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal characteristics required to be successful in a job role. Competencies are described in terms of concrete behaviours that have happened in the past

  • All aspects of the recruitment process – Role Profile, Standard Application Form and Interview will be rooted in competencies. There will no longer be job descriptions at SJH. The Role Profile will specify which competencies are being assessed, and at which level. For each competency there are 4 levels, depending on how high the grade. It is important to prepare for these specifically, and not all competencies in the whole framework.

  • Whether on the form or in the interview, a great framework to use is “STARK”. With regard to the given competency describe the 1. Situation – set the scene. Where were you, who was there, what was the purpose etc? 2. Tasks – What was the specific task that needed to be completed? What was the issue/need to be resolved? 3. Action – What specific actions did you take to meet that need? Talk only about YOU. Get into some detail. 4. Result – What was the result of your actions? Did it accomplish what you intended? 5. Key Learning - What did you learn? What would you do differently next time? What would others say about your approach?

  • In a competency based interview you will be asked to describe a time or event where you behaved in a certain way, which demonstrates your experience of a particular competency. For example: Competency = Teamwork. You will be asked to describe a time when you worked in a team. Use the STARK process as above. You will usually refer to the same examples that you used on your Standard Application Form. However, you may be asked for alternative examples during the interview.

  • Scientific research proves that past behaviour is the best indicator of future behaviour. So, in a competency based interview you don’t answer in terms of “what you would do”. Instead you answer in terms of “what you did do”. Using competencies also protects against discrimination, and promotes equality and equal opportunities.

    ** For more information, contact the HR Service Teams on **