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St James’s Hospital is Ireland’s largest acute academic teaching hospital and is based in Dublin’s south inner city. Our fundamental purpose is the delivery of health treatment, care and diagnosis as well as health promotion and preventative services at local, regional and national levels. Our academic partner is Trinity College Dublin.

By international standards, St James’s hospital is a substantial acute hospital service provider. We occupy a prominent position in the public eye, and are recognised as prioritising innovation and excellence of delivery. We provide acute, emergency, specialist services and residential care, across a vast range of medical and surgical specialties and place high emphasis on excellence of delivery, research, innovation and education.

St James’s Hospital is one of eight adult designated national cancer centres in the country. It is the largest in terms of activity encompassing a number of national cancer care services. It is this unique position that has enhanced our collaborative commitment with Trinity College Dublin to develop and evolve a comprehensive Cancer Institute dedicated to improving the care and outcomes of patients with cancer. In 2019, the Trinity St James’s Cancer Institute formally received its accreditation from the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI). This accreditation has brought us another step closer to setting a new standard for cancer care nationally with the development of one designated cancer facility on our campus, integrating medicine and science in cancer prevention, treatment and survivorship.

The campus at St James’s Hospital is an evolving healthcare campus offering a hub of services designed to meet patients’ needs. The hospital has several national centres and institutions on its campus including Trinity College Dublin’s Health Sciences Building which incorporates schools of medicine, dentistry, occupational therapy, speech and language, physiotherapy, nursing, radiotherapy, clinical nutrition studies and a Postgraduate Medical Centre. St Luke’s Radiation Oncology Network and the Wellcome Trust/HRB Clinical Research Facility are also situated on the site.

The vision for St James’s Hospital into the future is to be a leading healthcare organisation, nationally and internationally, and to improve health outcomes through collaboration and innovation. To achieve this, we will develop clear models of integrated services and care pathways: strengthening education, research and innovation to support clinical practice and to be an employer of choice in healthcare in Ireland.

The hospital welcomes and looks forward to the future opening of the National Children’s Hospital, Phase 2 of the St Luke’s Radiation Centre, and the transfer of the Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital facility to the campus. A critical priority, in partnership with key stakeholders, is the development of a long-term capital investment plan for our campus.

Strategic Programme 2021 – 2025

Transforming healthcare through innovations and partnerships

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