The Finance Department is responsible for the monitoring and controlling of hospital finances, the setting of annual budgets, is responsible and accountable for the accuracy, quality and validity of all financial transactions and production of monthly and statutory financial statements.

The department has 3 sections: Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Procurement.

Financial Accounting has responsibility for Accounts Payable, Payroll, Accounts Receivable including Health Insurance and Health Assessments.

Management Accounting prepares the annual budget, monitors budget versus actual spends and provides support to the clinical directorates on financial matters. This team also has responsibility for all costing and the annual specialty costing return.

Procurement Department provides procurement expertise and service and assists directorates in identifying value for money initiatives through market engagement. This team is responsible for execution of all Tenders and supplier contracts.

  • There are several ways to pay your patient invoice.

    1. Online
    To make a payment online for an outstanding patient bill, please click the following link; 

    To use online payments you will need:
    a) Patient’s full name
    b) Patient’s invoice number, which is shown on the invoice
    c) Credit or debit card details

    2. Phone
    Credit or debit card payments are accepted on (01) 416 2366, (01) 416 2146 or (01) 410 3733 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

    3. Cheque
    Made payable to St James’s Hospital – Please put the patient’s hospital number and invoice number on the back of the cheque.

    4. Postal Order
    Made payable to St James’s Hospital. Please put the patient’s hospital number and invoice number on the back of the postal order.

    5. Patient Accounts Cash Office
    At the Patient Accounts Cash Office which is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 1pm.

  • Useful email addresses:

    Accounts Payable - 

    Accounts Receivable - 

    Useful contact phone numbers:

    Payroll - (01) 428 4859

    Accounts payable - (01) 428 4854(01) 428 4848 or (01) 416 2145

    Accounts receivable (patient queries) - (01) 416 2366

    Accounts receivable (agency queries) - (01) 416 2146

    Health insurance queries - (01) 410 3206(01) 410 3207

Contact Details

Patient Accounts Office (Main SJH Campus) – Monday, Wednesday & Friday (10am – 1pm)

How to find us

Fonthill Business Park,
Fonthill Road,
Dublin 22,
D22 WC63

Management Accounts and Procurement
Top floor, hospital 1

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