This newly integrated service for people with movement disorders is a collaboration between the areas of neurology, gerontology and psychiatry and sees the appointment of the first clinical nurse specialist in parkinson’s disease at St James’s Hospital. It will facilitate effective pathways between services such as the Robert Mayne Day Hospital, outpatient therapy services, Falls and Syncope Unit, the Community Reablement Unit in Harold’s Cross, the SJH Memory Service and integrated care services in patient’s homes.

This is an exciting development that we envisage will provide an opportunity for important research in this field and will enable coordinated, integrated, high-quality care for people with these conditions.

  • GPs can send referrals to the Neurology and MedEl services by letter.

  • Further resources are available from the following Irish organisations:

    Parkinson’s Association of Ireland (PAI):


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Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm

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Ground floor, MISA building

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