Dr Niamh Appleby

Consultant Haematologist

Speciality: Haematology

Sub specialities: Diagnostic Haematology, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia, Lymphoma

    • FRCPath (Haem), MRCPI, MB BAO BCh (Trinity College Dublin)

  • Dr Appleby is a medical graduate of Trinity College Dublin. Dr Appleby trained as a clinical and laboratory haematologist in Ireland. After training, she undertook further training in molecular diagnostics as a Genomic Medicine Fellow at the University of Oxford. She worked on whole genome sequencing for haematological cancers as part of the 100,000 Genomes Programme and studied the clinical applications of circulating tumour DNA in a range of leukaemias and lymphoma. She helped establish clinical trials for early chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and Richter's transformation in the UK. As a consultant haematologist in Oxford, Dr Appleby provided morphology, phenotypic and integrated bone marrow reports for the Thames Valley region as well as supporting a dynamic clinical service for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and lymphoma. She returned to Dublin in 2024 to take up her position as Consultant Clinical and Laboratory Haematologist.

  • Molecular diagnostics and integrated reporting of blood and bone marrow samples Clinical applications of novel sequencing technologies to patient care.

  • Molecular diagnostics and integrated reporting of blood and bone marrow samples Clinical applications of novel sequencing technologies to patient care.

  • Dr Appleby's research interests span the spectrum of lymphoproliferative disorders, from the earliest stages of monoclonal B-cell populations to clinically aggressive disease. She has ongoing collaborations with centres of excellence in the UK and USA.

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