Dr Richard Conway

Consultant Rheumatologist

Speciality: Rheumatology

Sub specialities: General internal medicine

Dr Conway is a specialist consultant in rheumatology and general internal medicine at St James’s Hospital since 2017.

In addition to running a busy clinical service, Dr Conway has extensive involvement in research in rheumatology and acute medicine. Dr Conway is also involved in delivering undergraduate medical education in Trinity College Dublin as well as European postgraduate rheumatology education through European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR).


  • Dr Conway graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in 2006. He undertook Basic Specialist Training and subsequently Higher Specialist Training in rheumatology and general internal medicine. He completed clinical research using meta-analyses to explore the safety of medications used in rheumatology. He completed a vasculitis fellowship and a PhD in giant cell arteritis.

    • Undergraduate: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
    • Postgraduate: Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
    • PhD: University College Dublin

    • Vasculitis
    • Giant cell arteritis
    • Polymyalgia rheumatica
    • Lung disease in rheumatic diseases
    • Epidemiology
    • Irish Society for Rheumatology
    • European League Against Rheumatism
    • International Society for Clinical Densitometry
    • Global Rheumatology Alliance
  • Dr Conway undertakes research in vasculitis, giant cell arteritis, polymyalgia rheumatica, systemic sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis related interstitial lung disease and in epidemiologic aspects of acute medicine. A complete list of Dr Conway’s publications can be found at https://www.tcd.ie/medicine/staff/riconway/

Contact Information

Via Healthlink

Via post:
St James's Hospital
Dublin 8