Dr Catherine Flynn

Consultant Haematologist

Speciality: Myeloid malignancies and bone marrow failure including stem cell transplantation

Sub specialities: Haematological disorders in pregnancy

Dr Flynn is a consultant haematologist at St James’s Hospital. She is also a consultant haematologist at the Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital since 2007. She was a previous national speciality director for Higher Specialist Training in haematology from 2011 to 2015.

  • Dr Flynn holds a Bachelor of Medicine, a Bachelor of Surgery and a Bachelor of Obstetrics from the Queens University of Belfast (1995). She completed specialist haematology training in Dublin. Her training took her from Ireland to the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA where she started a haematology fellowship with a subspecialty interest in stem cell transplantation (2003 - 2006).

    She completed her Doctor of Medicine (MD) on haematopoietic stem cells and haematopoiesis in the Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven, Belgium. She returned to Dublin in 2007 and works as a consultant haematologist in the National Adult Bone Marrow Programme.

  • MD, FRCPath, MRCP(Edin) MB BCH BAO

  • Dr Flynn’s clinical interests include malignant myeloid diseases (myeloid leukaemia and myelodysplasia), transplantation, bone marrow failure syndromes and haematological diseases during pregnancy.

  • Dr Flynn's research interests include myeloid diseases, aplastic anaemia and haematological disease in pregnancy. She has published in these areas.

    • American Society of Haematology (ASH)
    • European Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT)
    • Irish Haematology Society since November 2008
    • Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists Ireland (February 2011)
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