Speciality: Respiratory and general internal medicine
Dr O'Riordan has been a consultant in respiratory and general internal medicine at St James’s Hospital and lecturer in medicine, Trinity College Dublin, since 2001.
Dr O’Riordan trained in respiratory and general internal medicine at Cork University Hospital from 1986 to 1990.
She was a respiratory fellow from 1990-1992 at the New England Deaconess Hospital Boston, now known as the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (MIDMC), and a thoracic diseases research fellow at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota from 1992-1993.
Dr O’Riordan lectured in respiratory medicine at St Vincent’s University Hospital and University College Dublin from 1993-1994 and 1995-1997, respectively.
Dr O’ Riordan undertook a locum consultant respiratory medicine post at St James’s Hospital Leeds, UK, from 1999-2000 and a consultant respiratory medicine post at Leeds General Infirmary, UK, from 2000-2001.
Qualified MB.BCh, BAO, honours, UCC (1986), MRCPI (1989), MD, National University of Ireland (1996), FRCPI (2004).
Dr O’ Riordan’s research interests at St James’s Hospital have focussed on healthcare delivery and quality of care in the setting of acute medicine and in the context of an Acute Medical Assessment Unit (AMAU) which she helped to develop, including operational policies and protocols, and which has been in operation since 2003.
Dr O’Riordan is interested in teaching and regularly takes tutorials and clinical teaching with medical students at various stages and with Membership of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (MRCPI) candidates. She has frequently organised and administered the MRCPI examination at St James’s Hospital and regularly examines in final medical examinations of Trinity College Dublin.
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General Medicine
St James's Hospital
Dublin 8