Dr Agnieszka Pazderska

Consultant Endocrinologist

Speciality: Endocrinology and diabetes mellitus

Sub speciality: General internal medicine

Dr Pazderska is a consultant in endocrinology, diabetes mellitus and in general internal medicine. She graduated from Warsaw Medical University in 2003 and after her intern year, completed ten years of postgraduate training in Ireland, including seven years specialist training in endocrinology and diabetes mellitus, incorporating a research MD in Diabetes Mellitus at St James’s Hospital and Trinity College Dublin.

In 2015 she was awarded an EU-funded bursary to complete a clinical and research fellowship in Endocrinology at Newcastle University and subsequently worked as a consultant endocrinologist at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital from 2016 to 2017.

Dr Pazderska returned to Ireland to take up a post as a consultant endocrinologist at St James’s Hospital in 2017. In 2019 she was appointed as a senior clinical lecturer at Trinity College Dublin.

  • Dr Pazderska has published widely in the field of diabetes mellitus and endocrinology. Her subspecialty interests include adrenal disorders and diabetes mellitus and its complications. In addition to general endocrinology and diabetes clinics, she runs a number of specialist clinics, such as an adrenal disorders clinic, a pituitary disorders clinic, a renal-diabetes clinic and a secondary hypertension clinic in conjunction with renal medicine.

Contact Information

Via Healthlink

Via post:
St James's Hospital
Dublin 8