The Centre for Learning and Development (CLD) is a multidisciplinary education centre. It provides high-quality continuous education, mandatory training and development programmes which are readily accessible and responsive to the needs of all staff within the hospital.
The CLD service delivers over 11,000 blended training sessions and is accessed by over 12,000 people every year.
St James’s Hospital is committed to investing in and promoting the development of our staff. The CLD is central to helping the hospital achieve this goal.
Annually, we invest:
The Centre for Learning and Development (CLD) provides accredited 3rd level programmes in partnership with awarding bodies and third level institutions such as Quality Qualifications Ireland, the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin (TCD) and University College Dublin.
We also design and deliver high-quality accredited programmes in continuous education, required training and personal/professional development programmes. In partnership with our educational partner, Trinity College Dublin, we currently offer over 140 courses in clinical and non-clinical topics, ranging from basic introductory courses to externally validated masters level.
Depending on the required training, the Centre for Learning and Development (CLD) services can be accessed by staff online via LearnPath or in person in the CLD building.
Some of our educational programmes and workshops include:
Here in CLD we take our responsibility in keeping our staff and attendees safe during these times. Our 1st priority is assessing the need for face to face training or if the learning outcomes can be met by delivering training in another means. Please use the below guidance for help on this matter.
Facilitator Risk Assessment Guide for Face to Face Delivery
If COVID -19 is not introduced in the facility it cannot spread. We ask all attendees, including facilitators and speakers to complete a COVID-19 Personal Assessment Form to assess their suitability to attend prior to coming to CLD. This may be self-assessed and not need to be returned
COVID-19 Personal Assessment Form
Or if deemed necessary by your facilitator assessed and returned to CLD prior to attendance.
COVID-19 Personal Declaration Assessment Form
N.B. If your situation changes after you complete the form you must re-assess your fitness to attend and inform your facilitator.