The development of professional skills is extremely important for improving health and social care. Mercer’s Institute for Successful Ageing (MISA) promotes training for healthcare professional at all levels.  Additionally, MISA fosters and supports education and training for patients, carers, members of the public, policy-makers and industry partners. 

  • This one-year postgraduate clinical programme is designed to provide you with the in-depth knowledge, skills and attributes to effectively diagnose, treat and manage syncope and related disorders in a range of clinical settings and within a syncope unit. This programme is designed specifically for healthcare professionals working in and/ or with an interest in syncope.

    The course is comprised of online course work, one week of class learning, one week of clinical placement in the Falls and Syncope Unit (FASU) and remote case presentation and discussion. Full attendance is mandatory. Modules will be delivered at MISA, St James’s Hospital campus.

    Ciara Rice
    01 410 3062

  • This five-day foundation course in gerontological nursing aims to develop the knowledge nurses require to meet the complex needs of older people in the healthcare setting. The course also aims to develop the skills that the nurse requires to function as an integral part of the multidisciplinary team caring for the older person. 

    • Suitable for all registered nurses working with older persons
    • Category 1 NMBI course approved for 35 CEU’s
    • Accredited from the School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin

    Archana Dsouza 
    01 428 4224

  • Insights from TILDA – Frailty is a distinctive health state related to the ageing process, in which multiple body systems gradually lose their in-built reserve. It is fast becoming a key concept in service development planning and delivery of care for our ageing population.  

    The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) delivers a one-day frailty education programme which is run in conjunction with the National Clinical Programme for Older People (NCPOP). This programme incorporates key research findings from TILDA and provides an overview of the theoretical models underpinning frailty. This training programme has been awarded category 1 approval by the Nursing & Midwifery Board of Ireland and aims to provide healthcare professionals with an enhanced understanding of frailty and frailty assessments, thereby ensuring earlier recognition of frailty, improved healthcare management, and better health outcomes for frail older adults.

    For enquiries, please email

  • Trinity College is committed to equipping health professionals with the unique skills and education necessary to meet these demands. Our objective, to create highly trained professionals in the field of gerontology, will help to make Ireland one of the best places in the world to grow old. The discipline’s multidisciplinary and integrative approach is supported by our education and training policies which focus on the social, psychological and biological aspects of ageing. 

    Our programmes span a broad range of research areas including basic sciences, translational research as well as health and social policy research. Learn more here.

  • DSiDC offers professional services in education, information, consultancy and research. The centre responds to an important need across the public, private and voluntary sectors in providing a range of insightful educational programmes for health care professionals to improve the quality of life for people living with dementia.   

    DSiDC is based on the sixth floor of MISA and the team works closely with colleagues from the Memory Clinic, the Department of Old Age Psychiatry, medicine for the elderly and the Department of Gerontology at Trinity College Dublin. Learn more here.

  • How do you feel about ageing? What choices are you making to stay happy, healthy, socially-connected and active as you age?

    During this five-week course, distinguished academics and physicians at Trinity College Dublin will present world-leading research in successful ageing, which may challenge many of the assumptions you have about growing old. Learn more here.

  • This one year postgraduate clinical programme is designed to provide you with the in-depth knowledge, skills and attributes to
    effectively diagnose, treat and manage syncope and related disorders in a range of clinical settings and within a syncope unit.

    This programme is designed speciffcally for healthcare professionals working in and/or with an interest in syncope, including:
    Cardiology, Neurology, Emergency Medicine, Geriatric Medicine and Acute medicine.

    Syncope and related disorders are responsible for up to 10% of admissions to hospital and general practice attendances. Many disciplines encounter patients with syncope and related disorders.

    A systematic approach to evaluation and management reduces misdiagnosis, reduces hospitalisations, reduces cost and improves
    quality of life and morbidity and mortality.

    * Endorsed by National Speciality Leads in Geriatric Medicine, Cardiology, Neurology and Emergency Medicine.

    Programe Duration
    The programme is delivered over one academic year. One week of expert lectures, one week of clinical placement in FASU and remote case presentation and peer discussion.

    Start Date
    2nd October 2023

    Programme Fees
    The fees for the programme are;
    €750 for SpR Trainees and nurses
    €1500 for EU students
    €3000 for Non-EU students

    Programme Directors
    Regius Professor
    Rose Anne Kenny

    Conal Cunningham

    To register forward an up-to-date CV to 

Contact Details

Archana Dsouza

How to find us

First floor, MISA building