Do you want to play a more active role in healthcare research?

11 July, 2024

St James’s Hospital and Trinity College Dublin are hosting a ‘Patient & Public Involvement in Research Event’ on Thursday, 5th July form 2-4pm in the MISA Seminar Room, 1st Floor of the MISA Building, St James’s Hospital.

This will be a chance for patients and the general public to hear about the research activity that is happening in St James’s Hospital. Research is important as it helps ensure that the most effective and safest treatments are available to patients.

On the day, speakers will present on cancer research including cancer survivorship, artificial intelligence in predicting kidney injury, infection related research and respiratory disease research.

The audience will listen to short 5-minute presentations and will be asked for their opinion and feedback on the research presented.

How does this help research?

To ensure research is patient-centred, feedback from patients and the general public is so important. For example, a patient that has come through cancer treatment might have insight and opinions on what research priorities should become a focus in cancer care.

This means, priorities identified by the patients can be included, for example, in grant funding applications that further progress the research.

We would be delighted to welcome you to the event, please register HERE