TSJCI recognises the value and contribution patient experience can bring to improving services ultimately leading to better outcomes for patients. Partnering with patients and public, TSJCI established a Patient Representative Group (PRG) specifically for people affected by cancer. The TSJCI PRG was established in 2020 and continues to go from strength to strength. The role of the TSJCI PRG is both advisory and collaborative. The patient representatives use their lived experience to support the improvement and inform the development of patient centred cancer services at TSJCI. Work includes, involvement in quality improvement projects, policy and educational programme development, the design and testing of communication materials including information leaflets, involvement in the Organisation of European Cancer Institute’s accreditation process, and the development of new services, facilities and infrastructural developments.

If you would like to be part of the PRG, please contact Catherine Buckley at CatBuckley@stjames.ie or Gráinne Smith at GrSmith@stjames.ie