St James’s Hospital has a dedicated sickle cell disease (SCD) and thalassaemia service also known as the sickle cell and thalassaemia service or haemoglobinopathy service.

SCD is an inherited illness which affects the haemoglobin contained in your red blood cells. This can result in a ‘sickle cell crisis’. These episodes require specific care to reduce the patient’s pain and to avoid an acute chest crisis and other complications.

Thalassaemia is an inherited blood disorder also characterised by abnormal haemoglobin production. Symptoms can vary from none to severe and depends on the type of thalassaemia.

We provide a service to all adult patients with a diagnosis of SCD and thalassaemia who are referred to us by their general practitioner /consultant or through a transition clinic. Our primary function is to provide specialised medical treatment and to support and advise patients in relation to physical and social needs. We have a weekly clinic in outpatients and provide daily treatments in H&H day ward.

We are closely linked with Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin (OLCHC) who offer dedicated paediatric care for children with SCD/thalassaemia in Ireland. As paediatric patients reach the age of 16-18 years of age, their care is transferred to the service in St James’s Hospital.

Transferring from the paediatric services to the adult services is known as ‘transition’. Each month a transition clinic is held in OLCHC for paediatric patients to transition to the adult service. This is an opportunity for the patient to meet the multidisciplinary team from St James’s Hospital. It is also an important step for paediatric patients to start the journey of managing their condition independently as they move into their adult life.

  • Outpatient appointment location
    The outpatient clinic is located in Suite 6 in the main Outpatients Department. It runs on Monday from 8am to 1pm.

    Treatment location
    Treatments are performed in the H&H day ward. These include blood transfusions and red blood cell exchanges.

    Bloods are taken in the outpatient phlebotomy department for treatment patients and also clinic patients. It is open Monday to Friday, from 7.30am to 4pm

  • Dr Emma Tuohy, Consultant Haematologist

    Dr Eileen Ryan, Consultant Haematologist

    Louise Walsh, Secretary

    Noel Ngwenya, Edel Crampton and Ciara Sheehan, Clinical Nurse Specialists

    Hazel Campos, Suhair Hussein, Staff Nurses

    Physiotherapy - 01 415 1049

    Social Work - 01 428 4695

  • Dr. Tuohy’s Secretary  (01) 410 3597

    Clinical Nurse Specialists  (087) 959 4592

    Social Work (087) 927 5161

    Physiotherapy  (01)- 428 4557

Contact Details

8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday

How to find us