Cardiac Rehabilitation offers secondary prevention education and support to patients after a cardiac event. The service is nurse coordinated with a multidisciplinary approach.
The service aims to empower patients with the knowledge and ability to make necessary lifestyle changes. The team encourages and supports patients to achieve and maintain a healthy body and mind.
The Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit aims to:
Referrals are accepted from all healthcare professionals.
To be accepted on to the programme, patients must have had a recent cardiac event such as myocardial infarction or coronary artery bypass graft or angioplasty and stenting.
For external referrals, please email; or use this form: Cardiac Rehab Referral Form
Self-referrals from patients are also accepted with a doctor’s referral letter.
The cardiac rehabilitation programmes runs from six to twelve weeks depending on the programme. They take place two or three times per week and last for approximately two hours each.
Programmes include both exercise and education sessions.
The exercise sessions include a warm up period followed by aerobic exercise and weight training and finishes with a cool down period. Patients start off slowly to build up their exercise tolerance and are monitored and supervised carefully.
The education sessions include topics like; risk factors for heart disease, healthy eating to reduce heart disease, exercising safety, cardiac medications, stress management and relaxation techniques.
Cardiac Rehab Co-ordinators
Louise Eakins: Email or tel. (01) 410 3240.
Marie Ryan: Email or tel. (01) 428 4315.
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Marie Ryan: Email or tel. (01) 428 4315.
Sara Hennessy, Secretary:
Email or tel. (01) 416 2548.
Clinical Director: Ross Murphy
Physiotherapists: Marie Spain & Grainne Sheill
Medical Social Worker: Henry Gibbons
Clinical Nutritionist: Emer O Sullivan
Pharmacist: Julie O Grady
Please complete this referral form below and send it to;
It’s Cardiac Rehab!’ is a six episode podcast series on cardiac rehabilitation.
Cardiac Rehabilitation aims to improve physical and emotional health and quality of life for patients following a cardiac event.
The podcast has been developed in partnership between the Irish Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation (IACR) and the Irish Heart Foundation with support from Servier Laboratories (Ireland) Ltd.
Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm