Patient Experience

Patient Experience

Dr Dania Movia

Assistant Professor

Specialist Area

Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer


Molecular and Precision Oncology


3D CultureAnimal ReplacementIn Vitro New Approach Methodologies


Close Collaborators:
Dr Movia has built a strong network of national and international collaborators, which includes lung cancer clinicians and lung cancer patients’ representatives, academics within Trinity College Dublin and European universities (University of Zurich; Politecnico of Milan; University of Exeter; University of Siena; University of Herfordshire; CNRS), as well as SMEs, pharma and large industries, charities and institutional organization (JRC ECVAM).

Main Funders: 
Irish Research Council, Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) Award, European Union’s HORIZON 2020 Framework Programme.

Active research programmes: 
Dr Movia’s
work focuses on the development of new approach methodologies (NAMs) that can be used as an alternative to animal testing when studying the safety and efficacy of cancer therapies and nanomedicine products. This technology is based on human cells growing as complex 3D cultures in vitro. 

Additional Information:
Outreach advocate on Instagram ( 

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