Your health and wellbeing is our priority. We want your experience in the hospital to be safe and comfortable. Meeting your needs is important and happens best when patients, families and health care workers work together. This means being involved in your own health and medical treatment.
We want you to fully understand any information you are given when in hospital. We recommend that our staff use plain english when talking with you and in written information. There are also some things you can do to help. Here are some tips:
Before meeting with health care workers:
Think about any concerns beforehand and write your questions down.
When you don't understand a medical term or concept:
Ask for it to be explained to you more simply.
Check that you understand what has been said to you:
Repeat back to the healthcare provider what you think they said and what you must do.
Make sure you know the answers to these 3 questions before you leave the meeting:
(Taken from Ask Me 3 Campaign)
We want to listen to you and learn from your experience. Your feedback is used to plan our services and make improvements. There are many ways to give feedback. You can give your feedback to:
Further information on how to give feedback.
The National Inpatient Experience Survey is a joint initiative from the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA), the Health Service Executive (HSE) and the Department of Health. People are asked about their experiences of care in order to improve health and social care services in Ireland.
Inpatient surveys are conducted and the findings are published and shared with the public. The St James’s Hospital survey results and the improvements we put in place can be found on
Patients, family members or carers can be a member of the Patient Representative Group. The members regularly meet healthcare workers and hospital managers. They share their experiences and discuss improvement projects, new services, patient information materials, facilities and policies and strategies.
Sharing your experience could make a difference. For further information or to request an application form please contact:
Patient Experience Office
Quality and Safety Improvement Directorate
St James's Hospital
James Street
Dublin 8
Telephone: (01) 410 3361 or (01) 428 4248