Speciality: Genitourinary medicine
Professor Lyons is a consultant in genitourinary and HIV medicine at St James’s Hospital. She is a clinical professor in the School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin. She is a Higher Specialist Trainer in the Genitourinary Medicine HST Programme in the Royal College of Physicians, and is a council member and incoming President of the Society for the Study of Sexually Transmitted Disease in Ireland (SSSTDI).
Professor Lyons took up her current post at St James’s Hospital in 2007 and has a sessional commitment to the Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital where women living with HIV are seen in pregnancy at a combined clinic. Since taking up her post she has developed an in-reach service to two Dublin male prisons.
Between October 2015 and September 2018, Professor Lyons was national clinical lead in sexual health, working in the Sexual Health and Crisis Pregnancy Programme on the implementation of Ireland’s first national sexual health strategy. A key achievement in this role was the rollout of a National PrEP Programme in 2019.
Professor Lyons is one of the founding members of the Trinity School of Medicine Transition Year (TY) Committee (2011 – ongoing) which provides a week-long programme to TY students interested in pursuing a career in medicine. In addition to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching commitments with the Trinity School of Medicine and the Royal College of Physicians, she has planned and developed an STI e-learning curriculum with the Irish College of General Practitioners (ICGP) since 2012 and proposed and developed sexual health communication workshops for all RCPI HST candidates since 2015.
She is currently involved with the Trinity College Dublin and Dublin South-East (DSE) Intern Network. The TCD/DSE Intern Network is an initiative funded by the National Doctors Training and Planning, (NDTP), HSE to develop a workshop for interns on LGBT+ health.
MB (1992), MD (2009), MRCOG (1996), FRCPI (2009)
Professor Lyons' research interests include HIV infection in women and in pregnancy, STI service delivery and HIV prevention.
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St James's Hospital
Dublin 8