Radiotherapy refers to the use of ionising radiation to treat disease. It is most commonly used in the treatment of cancer, either for cure or symptom relief, but it is also used for some benign, or non-cancerous, conditions. It can be used alone, but is more frequently given in combination with other treatment options such as surgery and/ or chemotherapy. It may be given as a single treatment or daily (Monday-Friday) over a number of weeks. It is usually delivered electively (by appointment), but sometimes it is delivered as an emergency treatment.
Patients attending St James’s Hospital who require access to a radiation oncology service for assessment, treatment or review are, where possible, seen by the radiation oncologist in St James's Hospital but will attend St Luke’s Radiation Oncology Network (SLRON) for treatment.
The network includes St Luke’s Hospital, Rathgar (SLH), St Luke’s Radiation Oncology Centre at St James’s Hospital (SLROC SJH) and St Luke’s Radiation Oncology Centre at Beaumont Hospital. Most of St James’s Hospital's patients receive treatment in St Luke’s or in the centre onsite.
St Luke's Radiation Oncology Network:
Clinical Nurse Specialist- Orla Mc Kenna
Medical Secretary- Nicola Molloy