The function of the Endoscopy Unit is to provide planned day-care endoscopic procedures and outpatient services to patients following a GP or outpatient referral or as an inpatient. The Endoscopy Unit and outpatient facility is an integral part of St James’s Hospital and provides a comprehensive diagnostic endoscopy service to over 18,000 patients annually.
The service is provided in a self-contained, dedicated day endoscopy and outpatient facility. The unit is purpose built and is the largest in the country. It boasts state of the art facilities and equipment, incorporating the ADAM traceability system for all endoscopes.
Gastroenterology (medical and surgical) service:
Urology Service:
Respiratory Service:
GPs can refer patients directly to the Endoscopy Unit via Healthlink.
ERCP and urgent EUS referrals - hospital to hospital only
Phone number: 087 464 4573
The Endoscopy Unit is proud to have an Advanced Nurse Practitioner in gastroenterology onsite, providing a diagnostic and therapeutic oesophago-gastroduodenoscopy (OGD) and colonoscopy service.
The service is supported by a pre-assessment nurse, two inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) nurses, two colorectal cancer nurse coordinators, an upper gastrointestinal (GI) coordinator and a clinical nurse specialist in gastroenterology, specialising in haemochromatosis and urea breath testing.
The department provides a number of advice services to GPs.
These include management of chronic spontaneous urticaria in general practice.
Information regarding the immunology laboratory service, including test repertoire, turnaround times and results, can be found here.
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General & Colorectal Surgery
St James's Hospital
Dublin 8
Via Healthlink
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St James's Hospital
Dublin 8
Via Healthlink
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Respiratory Medicine
St James's Hospital
Dublin 8
via Healthlink
Via Healthlink
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St James's Hospital
Dublin 8
Via Healthlink
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St James's Hospital
Dublin 8
Via Healthlink
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St James's Hospital
Dublin 8
Booking Office
(01) 428 4185
(01) 410 3625
(01) 410 3196
Endoscopy Nursing Team
(01) 416 2430
GI Surveillance
(01) 416 2380
Endoscopy Results / Back Office for GPs only
(01) 416 2387