
Our Haematology Department is the largest in Ireland and includes the National Adult Stem Cell Transplant Centre. There are six consultant haematologists who provide care for patients with general and malignant haematological disorders, including leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma.

Each of the haematology consultants have areas of special interest as follows:

  • Dr N. Appleby : Lymphomas and Lymphoproliferative Disorders
  • Professor L. Bacon: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, Lymphoma, CAR T.
  • Dr E. Conneally: Acute Leukaemia, Myeloproliferative Disorders.
  • Dr C. Flynn: Acute Leukaemia, Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes.
  • Dr P. Hayden: Myeloma, Acute Leukaemia, Cryobiology/Apheresis.
  • Dr R. Henderson: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, Lymphoma, CAR T
  • Dr N. Orfali: Acute leukaemia, Myeloid disorders
  • Professor E. Vandenberghe: Lymphomas and Lymphoproliferative Disorders.
  • Dr Carmel Waldron: Lymphomas and Lymphoproliferative Disorders

There are three components to the Clinical Haemato-Oncology Service:

The Acute Leukaemia/Stem Cell Transplant Service is based on Denis Burkitt Ward. This is a purpose-built facility with 24 single rooms for patients undergoing stem cell transplantation or treatment for acute leukaemia with 5 dedicated beds for AYA service. There is special air filtering in place to minimise the risk of infection. The unit is managed by a clinical nurse manager along with a staff of stem cell transplantation-trained nurses.

Patients requiring less intensive therapy are admitted to Donal Hollywood Ward. Patients with a wide range of haematological conditions such as lymphoma, myeloma or myelodysplasia are cared for on this service.

An increasing amount of treatment for haematological cancers is delivered in the day-ward setting on an intermittent basis over several months. Treatment is administered by trained chemotherapy nurses. Clinical nurse specialists are linked to each service to ensure that patients are fully educated about the management of any side-effects of treatment.

We encourage enrolment in clinical trials and are supported by an active clinical trials unit. This ensures that patients have early access to new treatment options, which may not yet be licensed for routine use.

It takes a Village - BMT 40th Service Anniversary

  • Patients are referred to the Haematology Department from general practitioners and consultants throughout Ireland. All referrals are reviewed to ensure that the patient is seen promptly by a consultant with the relevant special interest. 

    Acute Leukaemia



  • Medical Staff

    • Professor Larry Bacon, MB MRCPI FRCPath Ph.D., Consultant Haematologist, with an interest in CAR T therapy, stem cell transplantation, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and lymphomas.
    • Dr Eibhlin Conneally, MB FRCPI FRCPath, Consultant Haematologist with an interest in stem cell transplantation, acute leukaemia and myeloproliferative disorders.
    • Dr Catherine Flynn, MB FRCPI FRCPath, consultant haematologist with an interest in stem cell transplantation, acute leukaemia and bone marrow failure syndromes.
    • Dr Patrick Hayden, BA MD FRCPI FRCPath, Consultant Haematologist, with an interest in stem cell transplantation, myeloma and acute leukaemia.
    • Dr Robert Henderson, MB, MSc, MRCPI, FRCPath, Consultant Haematologist, with an interest in CAR T therapy, stem cell transplantation, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and lymphomas.
    • Dr Nina Orfali, MB BCh BAO PhD MRCPI FRCPath, Consultant Haematologist with an interest in stem cell transplantation, acute leukaemia and myeloproliferative disorders.
    • Professor Elisabeth Vandenberghe, MB MRCPI FRCPath PhD, Consultant Haematologist, with an interest in stem cell transplantation, lymphomas and lymphoproliferative disorders, including chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.
    • Dr Carmel Waldron Consultant Haematologist, with an interest in lymphomas and lymphoproliferative disorders, including chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.
    • Dr Niamh Appleby,  MB BCh BAO PhD MRCPI FRCPath,Consultant Haematologist, with an interest in lymphomas and lymphoproliferative disorders, including chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.
    • Dr Emma Tuohy, Consultant Haematologist, with an interest in Haemoglobinapathy.
    • Dr Eileen Ryan, Consultant Haematologist, with an interest in Haemoglobinapathy.

    Clinical Nurse Specialists

    • Ms Elizabeth Higgins, CAR T Coordinator.
    • Ms Mairead Ní Chonghaile, Transplant Coordinator.
    • Ms Orla Fallon, Transplant Co-ordinator
    • Ms Klent Almario, Transplant Co-ordinator
    • Ms Grace Faulkner, Clinical Nurse Specialist Lymphoma
    • Ms Melissa Martin, Clinical Nurse Specialist  Myeloma & CLL
    • Ms Rachel McCormack, Clinical Nurse Specialist Acute leukaemia & MDS
    • Ms Lorraine Brennan, Clinical Nurse Specialist Transplant Late Effects
    • Ms Princy Francis , Clinical Nurse Specialist Post-Transplant Follow-Up.
    • Ms Ciara Tripaldi, Clinical Nurse Specialist  Post-Transplant Follow-Up.
    • Ms Niamh Abbey, Clinical Nurse Specialist MPN, CML, Bone Marrow failure syndromes
    • Ms Joy Lewis, Clinical Nurse Specialist Adolescent & Young adult (AYA) cancer


    • Ms Carmel Ann Galligan ANP Acute Post HSCT & ECP

    JACIE Quality Manager

    • Ms Iris Agreiter

    European Blood and Marrow Transplantation Data Manager

    • Mr Greg Lee
    • Ms Kate Saloranta

    Medical Secretaries

    • Adrienne Elliott- Prof Bacon/Dr Henderson
    • Louise Walsh- Dr Tuohy/Dr Ryan
    • Lauren Byrne- Prof Vandenberghe/Dr Appleby/ Dr Waldron
    • Elaine Walsh- Prof Conneally/Dr Orfali
    • Sarah Barnes- Prof Flynn/Dr Pannoskalsis
    • Amanda Hogan- Dr Hayden
  • The Irish Cancer Society funds a Daffodil Centre at St James’s Hospital. This is located beside Private One Ward on the ground floor of the main hospital near the concourse. The centre provides cancer information, support and advice in a hospital setting and is an extension of the society’s Cancer Information Service.

    Irish Cancer Society:


    Bone Marrow for Leukaemia Trust

    The Bone Marrow for Leukaemia Trust continues to support the St James’s Hospital stem cell unit. Originally the Trust helped to fund the building of a specialised transplant unit in Ireland but now is focused on supporting patients; to this end it supports the hospital and the medical team in providing the best possible care.

    This support breaks down into four main areas:

    • the patients themselves;
    • the transplant unit and day care centre;
    • accommodation outside the hospital;
    • research and development into better methods of managing treatment;

    They are dedicated to supporting patients and families living with leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and other blood conditions.